We demand JUSTICE for UArts Faculty
In the wake of the catastrophic closure of the University of the Arts, we are fighting for just severance & supporting each other.
After 3 years of negotiations and a planned strike vote, we WON our first union contract.
Now we are fighting to hold the UArts Board of Trustees accountable for their breach of responsibility to this historic institution and its faculty, staff, and students.
Our UArts Closure public Resource Doc is here
Despite closure, University of the Arts faculty have the protection of a union.
We won a historic first contract in March 2024 to have a voice in the decisions that affect our health and welfare, in addition to the ability to address long-standing issues such as faculty voice, job security, pay, promotions, health insurance and other benefits. We took swift, unified action and built real power for lasting change.
On November 24th 2020, UArts Faculty voted to unionize with an overwhelming 99% majority vote!